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Viewing and Configuring RAS Publishing Agents

To view RAS Publishing Agents installed in a site, navigate to Farm / Site / Publishing Agents in the RAS Console. The installed Publishing Agents are listed on the Publishing Agents tab page in the right pane.

A site must have at least the master Publishing Agent installed, which is marked as "Master" in the Priority column. You can also add secondary agents to a site. We'll discuss secondary agents in the section that follows this one.

To modify the configuration of a RAS Publishing Agent:

  1. Select a Publishing Agent, then click Tasks and choose Properties . The Edit RAS Publishing Agent dialog opens.
  2. The Enable Server in site option is enabled for secondary Publishing Agents only. It is disabled for the master Publishing Agent.
  3. The Server field specifies the FDQN or IP address of the server that hosts the RAS Publishing Agent.
  4. The IP field specifies the server IP address. Click the Resolve button to obtain the IP address automatically using the FQDN specified in the Server field. This IP address is used so that multiple Publishing Agents share information in real time.
  5. The Alternate IPs field specifies one or more alternate IP addresses separated by a semicolon. These addresses will be used if RAS Secure Client Gateways fail to connect to the RAS Publishing Agent using it's FQDN or the address specified in the IP field. This can happen, for example, if Gateways are connecting from a network which is not joined to Active Directory.
  6. The Description field can be used to enter a user-defined description.
  7. When you are done making the changes, click OK to save them and then click Apply in the main RAS console window.

The Tasks drop-down menu on the Publishing Agents tab page has the following additional items:

  • Add . Adds a secondary RAS Publishing Agent to the site. See the section that follows this one for more information.
  • Check Agent . Verifies that the RAS Publishing Agent installed on the server is functioning properly. It opens a dialog where you can see the verification results and optionally install (or uninstall) the Publishing Agent software on the server.
  • Promote Secondary to Master . Promotes a secondary Publishing Agent to master. Use this option if you would like to make a different server to be the master Publishing Agent. The current master becomes a secondary RAS Publishing Agent.
  • Delete . Deletes a selected secondary Publishing Agent from the site. To delete the master Publishing Agent, you first need to promote a secondary Publishing Agent to master.
  • Move Up and Move Down . Changes the priority of a secondary Publishing Agent (moves it up or down in the priority list).
  • Logging . Enables extended logging (normal logging is used by default). Also allows you to retrieve logs into a local file and clear all logs.