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Configuring Guest VMs in a Pool

To configure a guest VM included in a pool, select a pool and then click Tasks > Show guests in pool to open the Virtual Guests List dialog.

Checking the RAS Guest VM Agent Status

A guest VM should have the RAS Guest VM Agent installed in it. The agent is installed by default when a guest VM is created from a RAS Template. If a guest VM was created outside the RAS Console using the native hypervisor tools, it may not have the RAS Guest VM Agent installed in it. In such a case, the guest VM will be able to serve only the desktop, but no applications or documents. As a general rule, it is advisable that the RAS Guest VM Agent be installed in a guest VM.

To check if the RAS Guest VM Agent is installed in a guest VM:

  1. Select a guest VM in the list and then click Tasks > Check Agent .
  2. The Guest VM Agent Information dialog opens displaying the information about the RAS Guest VM Agent.
  3. If  the agent is not installed, click the Install button and follow the instructions. The agent will be push installed in Windows running inside the guest VM.

Performing Guest VM Power Operations

The power operations icons at the bottom of the dialog allow you to start, stop, suspend, and reset a guest VM.

Configuring Guest VM Properties

To view and modify properties of a guest VM:

Select a guest VM and click Tasks > Properties . The Guest VM Advanced Settings dialog opens. In the dialog, configure the following properties:

  • Do not use this guest VM . If selected, the guest VM will not be used.
  • Computer name . Specifies the network name (domain name / IP address) that the system will use to connect to this guest VM.
  • Port . Specifies the port number that the system will use to connect to this guest VM.
  • Override default settings . If cleared, the default settings will be used for the grayed out properties. To override the default settings, select this option and specify your own values.
    • To view and modify the default settings, click the Default Settings button. See Configuring Default Guest VM Properties below for the info on how to set the default settings.
  • Connection timeout . If a connection with the guest VM cannot be established in this time period, Parallels Remote Application Server will cancel the attempt to connect.
  • Protocol . Specifies a protocol that Parallels Remote Application Server will use to communicate with the guest VM.
  • If session disconnects . Specifies the action that should be taken if a user disconnects from a session. Use the after field to specify the amount of time that has to pass before the selected action takes place.
  • End a disconnected session . Specifies whether (and when) the disconnected session should be ended. Please note that the user can reconnect to a previous session if the session is still available.

Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog.

Configuring Default Guest VM Properties

To configure default guest VM settings, in the Virtual Guest VM List dialog, click Tasks > Default settings (or click the gear icon). Use the Default Guest VM Advanced Settings dialog to specify the default settings. See above for the explanation of what these properties represent.