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Managing Sessions

The session management functionality allows you to view and manage RAS sessions on the host and sites.

To manage sessions, in the RAS Console, select the Administration category and then click the Session Management tab in the right pane. The tab page displays the list of current sessions and includes the following info for each session:

  • Server — host server name.
  • Session ID — RAS session ID.
  • User — session owner.
  • Protocol — protocol used (RAS console, Remote Desktop Connection).
  • State — session state (Idle, Active, Disconnected).
  • Logon Time — last date and time the user logged on.
  • Session Length — total sessions duration.
  • Idle Time — total session idle time.
  • Type — session type (Admin, Published Application, Published Desktop).
  • Resolution — client screen resolution.
  • Color Depth — client display color depth.
  • Device Name — client device name.
  • IP Address — client IP address.

You can sort the Sessions list by any session property. Simply click on a desired column heading to sort in ascending or descending order.

You can also filter the list using a single or multiple session properties as a criteria. To do so, click the magnifying glass icon (right-hand corner, just above the list) and then type a desired string in a desired column. The list will be filtered as you type.

To manage a session, select it in the list and then use the Tasks drop-down menu (or right-click a session) to select an action you'd like to perform. Note that you can select more than one session if you wish. The Tasks drop-down menu includes the following options:

  • Disconnect — disconnects selected session(s).
  • Log Off — logs off session owner(s).
  • Send Message — opens a dialog where you can type and send a message to session owner(s).
  • Remote Control — allows you to remotely control the selected user session.

The Show running processes option opens the Running Processes dialog where you can view running processes for selected session(s). In the dialog, use the Show processes from drop-down menu to customize the list using the following options:

  • Selected session (default) — displays processes for the selected session.
  • Selected Server — displays all running processes for the server on which the selected session is running.
  • All Servers — displays all running processes for all available servers.

The Tasks drop-down menu in the Running Processes dialog has the following options:

  • Refresh — refreshes the list.
  • Kill Process — kills the selected process.
  • Go To Published Item — brings up the main RAS console window and navigates to the corresponding published resource (the option is only enabled if a running published resource is selected in the list).
  • Disconnect — disconnects the remote user from the site.
  • Log Off — logs off the remote user.
  • Send Message — sends a message to the remote user.