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Advanced Settings

Advanced settings allow the administrator to fine tune the data collected by the reporting service and define for how long this data is retained before purged.

To access the reporting advanced options:

In the RAS Console, navigate to Administration / Reporting. On the Reporting tab page, click the Tracking Settings button. The Advanced Setting dialog opens.

In the Session Information section, configure the following options:

  • Enable Tracking . Records sessions data (affects all reports except Server Reports).
  • Retain information for . Specify the period session information is retained for before purged.

In the Server Counters Information section, configure the following:

  • Enable Tracking . Records server counter data (affects Server Reports only).
  • Retain information for . Specify the period server counters information is retained for before purged.
  • Track CPU / Memory counter when change is more than . Set the minimum CPU/Memory resource usage required to record data.