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Managing Sessions

When you connect to Parallels RAS from Parallels Client and launch a resource, a session is created for the connection. You can manage sessions by clicking Sessions > Sessions Information in the main menu. This opens the Sessions dialog where you can select a session in the list and do the following:

  • Click Show Information to see the session information.
  • Click Disconnect to disconnect from Parallels RAS. The resource (or resources) will be closed on your local desktop, but will continue to run on the remote server. If you open the resource after that, your work will be where you left it. If you had more than one instance of a resource opened before you disconnected from Parallels RAS, all of them will open on your desktop.
  • Click Logoff to end the session. This will close all running resources on the remote server. You should save all your data before ending a session.
  • Click Close to close the Sessions dialog.
  • From the Sessions menu, you can also perform the following tasks:
  • Connect . Connect to Parallels RAS using the selected connection settings. If the selected connection is active, this menu item is disabled.
  • Refresh . Refresh the published resources view (the information is re-retrieved from Parallels RAS).
  • Log Off . This menu item performs the same action as the Logoff button on the Session dialog described above — it ends the session.
  • Disconnect All RAS Sessions .  This item is only enabled when you have active sessions (i.e. one or more published resources are running on your desktop). It kills all active connections, but keeps the corresponding sessions running on the remote server.
  • Log Off All RAS Sessions . This item works similarly to Disconnect All RAS Sessions (above), but it ends all active sessions.

Another menu can be accessed by right-clicking an active connection in the Connections list. The menu has the following items:

  • Connect . This item is disabled if the connection is currently active.
  • Refresh . Refreshes the published resources view.
  • Connection Properties . Opens the Connection Properties dialog where you can configure the connection.
  • Change Domain Password . Allows you to change the current user's domain password. Opens the Logon dialog where you need to type your current domain password to be authenticated. Click OK to open the Change Password dialog and type a new password in both fields. Click OK to change the domain password.
  • Create Shortcuts for All Visible Applications . Creates shortcuts on the local desktop for all published applications displayed in the right pane of the main window.
  • Delete Shortcuts from Desktop . Deletes all existing shortcuts from the desktop.
  • Log Off . Logs off Parallels Client from the session.
  • Delete . Deletes the connection from the Parallels Client configuration.