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Updating in Command-Line Mode

Another way of updating your Parallels Server Bare Metal system files and templates is to run the vzup2date utility in the command line mode and to pass the corresponding commands, switches, and options to it. While executing vzup2date in the command line mode, you can choose between the batch and messages submodes. Both submodes can be used to update either the Parallels Server Bare Metal system files or EZ templates and have the identical syntax. However, the output produced by these commands is different. The messages submode output is less user friendly than that of the batch submode and is mostly suitable for machine processing.

To run the vzup2date utility in the command line mode, you can use either the -m batch switch or the -m messages switch intended for executing vzup2date in the batch and messages submodes, respectively.

Let us assume that you wish to update Parallels Server Bare Metal system files by installing the latest core in the batch submode. To do this, you can issue the following command on the Parallels server:

# vzup2date -m batch install --core

This will check the Parallels Server Bare Metal repository for the latest core updates and, in the case of finding any, download and install them on your server.

To update your Parallels Server Bare Metal installation, you may need to edit the /etc/sysconfig/vzup2date/vzup2date.conf file to specify the repository from where the updates are to be downloaded or configure a number of other parameters. Detailed information on the vzup2date.conf file is provided in the Parallels Command Line Reference Guide .

You can also execute the vzup2date utility in the batch mode to update the EZ templates installed on the Parallels server. For example, you can issue the following command

# vzup2date -t -m batch install --all-os

to update all OS templates installed on your server. Detailed information on all options that can be passed to the vzup2date utility is given in the Parallels Command Line Reference Guide .

Note: To perform the aforementioned operations in the messages submode, you should pass the -m messages option to the vzup2date utility instead of -m batch .