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Determining Container Identifiers by Process IDs

Each process is identified by a unique PID (process identifier), which is the entry of that process in the kernel's process table. For example, when you start Apache, it is assigned a process ID. This PID is then used to monitor and control this program. The PID is always a positive integer. In Parallels Server Bare Metal, you can use the vzpid (retrieve process ID) utility to print the Container ID the process with the given id belongs to. Multiple process IDs can be specified as arguments. In this case the utility will print the Container number for each of the processes.

The typical output of the vzpid utility is shown below:

# vzpid 12

Pid VEID Name

12 101 init

In our example the process with the identifier 12 has the name 'init' and is running in the Container with ID 101.

Note : You can also display the Container ID where the corresponding process is running by using the vzps utility.