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Making Snapshots

To make a snapshot:

  1. Make sure that you completed all operations of installing, downloading, or writing to external devices before taking a snapshot.


    1. You can create a snapshot at any time. But it is recommended to complete all operations of installing, downloading, or writing to external devices before taking a snapshot. You should also complete or cancel any transactions performed via the virtual machine in external data bases.

    2. You cannot create a snapshot or revert to a snapshot when your virtual machine is paused.

  2. Choose Take Snapshot from the Virtual Machine menu or use the Take Snapshot button TakeSnapshot on the toolbar of your virtual machine's window. If the toolbar does not contain this button, you can add it to the toolbar. For more information, refer to the Customizing Toolbar section .

    Note: To make a snapshot, you can also use Virtual Machine Snapshots. Just choose Manage Snapshots from the Virtual Machine menu and click the New button. A new snapshot will be created.

  3. In the Snapshot Parameters window, you can provide a name and a short description for the snapshot. This information and the date of creation will be visible in Virtual Machine Snapshots when you hover the pointer over the snapshot icon.
  4. Click OK to take a snapshot.

After the snapshot is created, you can continue working with your virtual machine current state or use any of its snapshots.

To revert to a snapshot, open Virtual Machine Snapshots by choosing Manage Snapshots from the Virtual Machine menu or by clicking the Manage Snapshots button ManageSnapshots on the toolbar of the virtual machine window.