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Parallels Server Bare Metal Configuration Files

This section explains what configuration parameters Parallels Server Bare Metal 5.0 has and how they affect the product behavior.

There are a number of files responsible for the Parallels Server Bare Metal system configuration. Most of the files are located in the /etc directory on the Parallels server. However, some configuration files are stored on the Backup Node, in a Container, or on a dedicated server. If a configuration file is located in a place other than the Parallels server, we point clearly the exact position where it can be found.

A list of configuration files is presented in the table below:


The Parallels Server Bare Metal global configuration file. This file keeps system-wide settings, affecting Container and template default location, global network settings, and so on.

/etc/vz/conf/< CT_ID >.conf

The private configuration file owned by a Container numbered < CT_ID > . The file keeps Container specific settings – its resource management parameters, location of private area, IP address, and so on.

/etc/vz/conf/ve-< name >.conf.sample

Sample files, containing a number of default Container configurations, which may be used as a reference for Container creation. The following samples are shipped with Parallels Server Bare Metal: basic , cpanel , confixx , slm.plesk , slm.256MB , slm.512MB , slm.1024MB , slm.2048MB . You may also create your new samples customized for your own needs.

/etc/vz/conf/dists/< distribution_name >.conf

The configuration files used to determine what scripts are to be run on performing some operations in the Container context (e.g. on adding a new IP address to the Container). These scripts are different from Parallels Server Bare Metal action scripts and depend on the Linux version the given Container is running.


The definition of network classes, used by traffic shaping and bandwidth management in Parallels Server Bare Metal.


This file specifies the default connection parameters for the vzup2date utility.

/< path >/< name >.conf

This configuration file specifies the default connection parameters for the vzup2date-mirror utility. It should be located on the computer where you are planning to run vzup2date-mirror .


The configuration file for the cron daemon. Using this file, Parallels Server Bare Metal emulates the “ reboot ” command working inside a Container.


The configuration file used to define the parameters for establishing a private secure channel to the Parallels support team server.


The configuration file used to define the parameters for sending your problem report to the Parallels support team.


Kernel parameters. Parallels Server Bare Metal adjusts a number of kernel sysctl parameters and modifies the default /etc/sysctl.conf file.


These files define the offline management modes for controlling Containers by their administrators.


This configuration file defines the parameters used by the vzlmond daemon to collect information on the main Parallels server resources consumption.


The file lists the warning and/or error levels for a number of resource control parameters. If a parameter hits the warning or error value, the vzstat utility will display this parameter in yellow or red.


This configuration file is located on the Monitor Node and used by the vzstatrep utility when generating statistic reports and graphics on the Parallels server resource consumption and sending these reports to the server administrator.


The global configuration file residing on the Backup Node and determining the global backup settings for Containers.

Note that the settings in this file do not apply to virtual machines.


The Red Hat Network (RHN) Proxy Server configuration file used by the vzrhnproxy utility when setting up the RHN Proxy Server. This file can be located on any computer where the vzrhnproxy package is installed.


This configuration file is used by the vzpkgproxy utility when creating special caching proxy servers for OS and application EZ templates. The file can be located on any computer where the vzpkgproxy package is installed.


This configuration file is used by the vzpkg utility when managing OS and application EZ templates.