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vzup2date-mirror Configuration File

The vzup2date-mirror configuration file is used by the vzup2date-mirror utility for determining the connection parameters of the repository with Parallels Server Bare Metal system and templates updates and deciding what updates to download to the local mirror. The parameters in this file are presented on separate lines in the following format:

< parameter_name >=< parameter_value >

The options that can be specified in the vzup2date.conf file are described in the table below:





The URL used for the connection.

As a rule, this parameter is set automatically and does not need to be modified.



The user name for accessing the update server.

As a rule, this parameter is set automatically and does not need to be modified.



The password for accessing the update server.

As a rule, this parameter is set automatically and does not need to be modified.



The proxy server address, if you use this server.


The user name used by the HTTP proxy server for your authentication.



The password of the user specified in the HTTP_PROXY_USER parameter and used for your authentication by the HTTP proxy server.



The local directory where the mirror is to be located and all the required packages are to be stored after the execution of vzup2date-mirror . This parameter can be overwritten by the local_repo_path parameter of the vzup2date-mirror utility (to learn more about local_repo_path , see the vzup2date-mirror subsection).



The list of comma-separated Parallels Server Bare Metal releases or OS templates names. The format of this parameter is different for different types of updates:

  • For system updates, you should set it in the arch / Parallels Server Bare Metal_release format.
  • For EZ templates updates, you should set it in the arch / EZ_template_name format.

By default, the value of this parameter is set to all/all meaning that all available updates for all system architectures will be downloaded from the Parallels Server Bare Metal official repository to your local mirror.



The name assigned to the mirror. You must specify this parameter for each mirror if you are planning to have several mirrors with different LocalRepositoryRoot parameters operating simultaneously on your server (in one Container). These mirror names will be used by the apache application to distinguish among the existing mirrors.



The path to the httpd configuration file. This file is required for the correct work of the apache application. As you can create an HTTP-based mirror only, the apache application should be installed on the server and a valid path to httpd.conf should be specified. By default, this parameter is set to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf . If you have not change the default httpd.conf file location, you do not need to change this parameter.


The vzup2date-mirror configuration file can also include a section defining the updates approval policy for deploying Parallels Server Bare Metal system updates to the servers in your local network. This section must be opened with the <ApproveSystemUpdate arch / release > tag (where arch denotes the system architecture (e.g. x86_64 ) and release denotes the Parallels Server Bare Metal release (e.g. 5) the specified policy will be applied to) and closed with the </ApproveSystemUpdate> tag. This section is optional. If it is absent from the configuration file, all updates downloaded to your local mirror are automatically approved for installation on your servers. The parameters that can be specified in this section are described in the table below:




The maximum version of Parallels Server Bare Metal kernel updates for the specified architecture/release pair. All Parallels Server Bare Metal kernel updates having higher versions and downloaded to your local mirror will be invisible for the vzup2date utility that you will run on the servers in your local network.


The maximum version of Parallels Server Bare Metal tools and utilities updates for the specified architecture/release pair. All tools and utilities updates having higher versions and downloaded to your mirror will be invisible for the vzup2date utility that you will run on the servers in your local network.


Enables ( yes ) or disables ( no ) the vzup2date utility to download the next major version update of the Parallels Server Bare Metal software.If this parameter or the whole updates approval mechanism section is omitted, major updates are available to the vzup2date utility by default.