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vzup2date install

The vzup2date install command is used to install new OS and application templates on the server or to update any of the existing OS and application templates already installed on the server. It has the following syntax:

vzup2date [ config_options ] [-s|-t|-z] -m {batch|messages} install\

[ options ] [ filters ] [ update_IDs ]

Along with the options which are common for all vzup2date commands and described in the previous subsection, you can also use the following options with vzup2date install :




Automatically reboots the server, if needed, after the Parallels Server Bare Metal update completion. For example, the system reboot may be required in the case of updating the Parallels Server Bare Metal core or installing major updates on the server. If the option is omitted, the system will not reboot.


[= bootloader ]

Automatically recognizes and reconfigures the Lilo and GRUB boot loaders after the Parallels Server Bare Metal update completion. You can explicitly specify what boot loader is to be reconfigured by specifying either GRUB or Lilo as the value of bootloader .


Automatically updates the vzup2date utility. If an updated version of vzup2date is available, this version is downloaded and installed on the server at first. After that, the command is re-launched and the Parallels Server Bare Metal system update is performed.


Do not run the vzpkgcache utility in case of standard OS templates and the vzpkg create cache utility in case of EZ OS templates. By default, a tarball (cache) is automatically created for every OS template or its update installed on the server by using the vzup2date install command.