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Connecting an Adapter to a Virtual Network

Connecting an adapter on the physical server to a Virtual Network allows you to join all virtual machines and Containers included in the Virtual Network to the network where the corresponding adapter is connected.

Let us assume the following:

To connect the eth1 adapter to the vznetwork1 Virtual Network and thus to join the MyVM virtual machine to the network behind eth1 , run this command on the server:

# vznetcfg net addif vznetwork1 eth1

To check that the eth0 physical adapter has been successfully added to the vznetwork1 Virtual Network, you can execute the following command:

# vznetcfg if list

Name Type Network ID Addresses

eth1 nic vznetwork1,dhcp


As you can see, the eth0 adapter is now joined to the vznetwork1 Virtual Network, which means that the MyVM virtual machine whose virtual network adapters is connected to vznetwork1 can access the local network behind eth1 .

At any time you can disconnect the eth1 physical adapter from the vznetwork1 Virtual Network (and thus detach the MyVM virtual machine from the local network) by running the following command:

# vznetcfg net delif eth1

To check that the physical adapter has been successfully disconnected from vznetwork1 , issue the following command:

# vznetcfg if list

Name Type Network ID Addresses

eth1 nic,dhcp
