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Managing CHAP Accounts for Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI Targets

Parallels Cloud Storage allows you to restrict access to iSCSI targets by means of CHAP authentication.

To make use of CHAP authentication, you need to:

  1. Create a CHAP account.
  2. Create an iSCSI target bound to this CHAP account.

These actions are described in detail in the following subsections.

Creating CHAP Accounts for Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI Targets

To create a CHAP account, use the pstorage-iscsi account-create command. For example, to create the CHAP account user1 :

# pstorage-iscsi account-create -u user1

Enter password:

Verify password:

Creating Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI Targets Bound to CHAP Accounts

To create a Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI target bound to a CHAP account, use the pstorage-iscsi create command with the additional -u option. For example, create a target bound to the CHAP account user1 :

# pstorage-iscsi create -n test1 -a -u user1


Changing the CHAP Account Password

To change the password of a CHAP account, use the pstorage-iscsi account-set command. For example, to change the password of the CHAP account user1 :

# pstorage-iscsi account-set -u user1

Enter password:

Verify password:

The new password will become active after target reboot.

Listing CHAP Accounts and Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI Targets Assigned to Them

To list existing CHAP accounts, use the pstorage-iscsi account-list command. For example:

# pstorage-iscsi account-list


To list Parallels Cloud Storage iSCSI targets assigned to a specific CHAP account, use the pstorage-iscsi account-list command with the -u option. For example, to list iSCSI targets assigned to the CHAP account user1 :

# pstorage-iscsi account-list -u user1