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Expiration date parameters

--expiration <<on|off>|date:<yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss>|time-check:<seconds>|offline-time:<seconds>|time-server:<url>|note:<text>>

Expiration date parameters:

on|off: Enables or disables expiration date checking.

date: Sets a date and time when the virtual machine usage period expires (e.g. 2014-12-30T20:30:00).

time-check: Sets how often (in seconds) Parallels Desktop contacts the time server to check the expiration date and time.

offline-time: Sets the time period (in seconds) during which a user can work with the virtual machine if Parallels Desktop is unable to check the expiration date and time.

time-server: Specifies the URL of a trusted time server to check the expiration date and time.

note: Adds a note (e.g. system administrator contact info).