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Parallels Desktop Preferences

prlsrvctl set

The prlsrvctl set command is used to modify Parallels Desktop preferences. The available parameters and options are described below.


--mem-limit <auto | size>

Sets the total memory allocated to Parallels Desktop and its virtual machines. The auto option optimizes the memory usage. The size option allows the user to set the memory size manually.

-s, --min-security-level <low | normal | high>

Specifies the minimum connection security level to connect to the server. Low - no transmitted data is encrypted. Normal - only the most important data is encrypted. High - all transmitted data is encrypted.

-c, --cep <on | off>

Enables or disables the participation in the Customer Experience Program.

--verbose-log <on | off>

Enables or disables verbose logging.

--log-rotation <on | off>

Enables or disables automatic rotation of the Parallels Dispatcher Service and virtual machine log files.

--allow-attach-screenshots <on | off>

Enables or disables attaching virtual machine and host screenshots to a problem report.

--require-pwd <create-vm | add-vm | remove-vm | clone-vm>:<on | off>

Require to enter an administrator password to perform a corresponding action (create a VM, add a VM, etc.).

--require-custom-pwd <create-vm | add-vm | remove-vm | clone-vm | edit-preferences>:<on | off>

Require to enter a custom password to perform a corresponding action.

--custom-pwd [--custom-pwd-mode <on | off | change>] [--replace-commands]

Set, reset, or change the custom password for operations that require it. See the explanation of parameters below.

--custom-pwd-mode <on | off | change> — set, reset, or change the custom password for operations which require it.

--replace-commands — specify this option to reset commands that are protected with the admin password. This means that when you enable a custom password, commands that require the admin password will now require a custom password. Commands that previously required a custom password will be discarded. The same logic is used when you switch back to the admin password (set --custom-pwd-mode to off). When you disable a custom password, commands that require it will now require the admin password. Commands that previously required the admin password will be discarded. This option is ignored if --custom-pwd-mode is set to change.

--lock-edit-settings <on | off [--host-admin <name>]>

Locks or unlocks Parallels Desktop preferences for editing. The --host-admin parameter specifies the host administrator name if an administrator password is required to unlock Parallels Desktop preferences for editing.

--external-dev-auto-connect <host | guest | ask>

When a new external device is attached to the Mac, connect it to the host, guest, or ask the user what to do.

--default-encryption-plugin <plugin-id>

Sets the default encryption plugin.


Resets the default encryption plugin.

--hide-license-request-params <on | off>

Hides the host name and user name in requests to Parallels Licensing Server.