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Install a Parallels Desktop license

prlsrvctl install-license <-k, --key <key>>

Installs a Parallels Desktop license. The -k, --key <key> parameter specifies a Parallels Desktop license key to install.

Optional parameters

-n, --name <name>

The license owner name.

-c, --company <name>

The license company name.


Stores the license for deferred installation. The license will be activated the next time Parallels Desktop is started. If a license has already been activated, it should be deactivated first before using this option. See the prlsrvctl deactivate-license command.


Activates the license over the Internet immediately.


When activating Parallels Desktop Pro or Standard editions, you must be signed in to your Parallels account before executing this command. See Sign in to Parallels Account.