Parallels Virtualization SDK
Other Macros Macros
Other Macros
PVS_GUEST_VER_WIN_OTHER is used for legacy guest OS (9x and below), but has maximal number 0xFF. 
Free BSD partition. 

  • Disk validation errors

+++ ALIGNED VALUE TO 25000  

Special handle for data partition from GPT (can be linux, windows, any type). 
EFI system partition 
Definitions of length of incoming strings to PrlDisk_GetIdentify function. 
Total count of read requests to IDE controller 
Total count of read bytes through IDE controller 
Total count of write requests to IDE controller 
Total count of write bytes through IDE controller 
Invalid file descriptor 
Invalid partition 
constant for invalid VLAN tag 
Success license state 
Linux partitions 
Mac OS 
constant for maximum valid VLAN tag (4095) 
Default method decoration 

  • Disk partition types

Extended partitions 

NULL (invalid) handle 
Guest OS sessions types and constants declarations 
Declaration of the error value goes here 
Total count of read requests to SATA controller 
Total count of read bytes through SATA controller 
Total count of write requests to SATA controller 
Total count of write bytes through SATA controller 
Total count of read requests to SCSI controller 
Total count of read bytes through SCSI controller 
Total count of write requests to SCSI controller 
Total count of write bytes through SCSI controller 
Success and failure result codes 
Windows partitions 
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