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Parallels Virtualization SDK
PrlVm_LinkedClone Function

Clones an existing virtual machine based on given snapshot.

PRL_HANDLE PrlVm_LinkedClone(
    PRL_HANDLE hVm, 
    PRL_CONST_STR new_vm_name, 
    PRL_CONST_STR new_vm_root_path, 
    PRL_CONST_STR snapshot_id, 
    PRL_UINT32 nFlags



A handle of type PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE identifying the virtual machine.
The name to use for the new virtual machine.
Name and path of the directory where the new virtual machine should be created. To create the machine in a default directory, pass an empty string.
[optional] Snapshot UUID. If string is empty, then function behaves the same as PrlVm_CloneEx with flag PCVF_LINKED_CLONE.
Clone flags (PCVF_CLONE_TO_TEMPLATE, PCVF_CHANGE_SID, PCVF_LINKED_CLONE, PCVF_IMPORT_BOOT_CAMP). Also PACF_NON_INTERACTIVE_MODE can be used to specify non interactive session working mode (remote side won't ask questions during operation progress in this case). Please note that clone operation can take it's own exclusive lock of virtual machine (in change SID or linked clone modes) - so VM shouldn't be exclusively locked with PrlVm_Lock call before clone operation performed.


A handle of type PHT_JOB containing the results of this asynchronous operation or PRL_INVALID_HANDLE if there's not enough memory to instantiate the job object.


The function creates an exact copy of the specified virtual machine on the same host using the specified new name and location. In order to perform a clone operation, the original machine must be registered with the Parallels Service. A clone can be created as a virtual machine or as a template. To create a template, set the nFlags parameter to PACF_CLONEVM_TO_TEMPLATE value. The function can also be used to create new virtual machines from templates. In order to that, the hVm parameter must contain a handle to a template, the name and the path parameters must be set to desired values, and the bCreateTemplate parameter must be set to PRL_FALSE

To get the return code from the PHT_JOB object, use the PrlJob_GetRetCode function. Possible values are: 

PRL_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid handle or null pointer was passed. 

PRL_ERR_SUCCESS - function completed successfully. 

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