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Migration Scenarios

Parallels Transporter Agent allows you to migrate data (files, applications, etc) from a remote Windows or Linux PC to a Mac. Once the migration is complete, you can continue working with your Windows or Linux apps and files as if they were installed on the Mac.

You can choose one of the following ways to migrate data.

Migrating Over Network

Migrating over network assumes that your remote computer and Mac are connected to the Internet. If they are connected to the same network, you can migrate data using a passcode. If they are connected to different networks, use the IP address of the remote computer.

Migrating Using an External Storage Device

If your remote computer or Mac isn't connected to the Internet, you can migrate data using an external storage. In this case, first you need to connect an external storage to the remote PC and collect all its data. Then connect the storage to Mac and transfer all collected data.