Parallels C API Reference
Get state of the audio switcher from host.
Set state of the audio switcher.
Starts audio stream from client to Vm.
Stops audio stream.
Authorises current session against encrypted virtual machine.
Performs an attempt to authenticate the user through the guest OS security database.
The PrlVm_BeginEdit function is used in modifying a virtual machine configuration.
Finishes process of optimization of virtual hard disk.
Finishes process of conversion of the virtual hard disk(s).
Changes current password of encrypted virtual machine on new one.
Generates and assigns a new Windows SID to the specified virtual machine running Windows guest OS.
Clones an existing virtual machine.
Clones an existing virtual machine.
The PrlVm_Commit function is used in modifying a virtual machine configuration.
The PrlVm_CommitEx function is the same as PrlVm_Commit function but with the flags
Start process of optimization of virtual hard disk.
Connect to remote desktop.
Start process conversion of the virtual hard disk(s).
Creates video source object.
Creates VM event that bint to current VM.
Create handle of type PHT_VIDEO_RECEIVER.
Creates a virtual machine snapshot.
Creates a disk image in the virtual machine home directory for unattended Windows installation.
Creates a floppy disk image in the virtual machine home directory for unattended Windows installation.
Decrypts earlier encrypted with some secret password phrase virtual machine.
Deletes the specified virtual machine from the host.
Deleted the specified virtual machine snapshot.
Disconnect from remote desktop.
Resets a suspended virtual machine.
Encrypts virtual machine data using specified secret password phrase.
Automatically generates a name for a virtual device which will be unique within a home directory of the specified virtual machine.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_VM_CONFIGURATION .
The PrlVm_GetPackedProblemReport function obtains a Packed problem report on abnormal virtual machine termination.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_EVENT containing the virtual machine performance statistics.
The PrlVm_GetProblemReport function obtains a problem report on abnormal virtual machine termination.
The PrlVm_GetQuestions function allows to synchronously receive questions from a Parallels Service.
Retrieves snapshot information for the specified virtual machine.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_VM_INFO containing the specified virtual machine state and access rights information.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS containing the virtual machine resource usage information, including CPU(s), memory, disk drives, processes, user session, system uptime, network packets, etc.
The PrlVm_GetStatisticsEx function is the same as PrlVm_GetStatistics function but with the flags
Retrieves the virtual machine screen state before it was suspending.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_VM_TOOLS_INFO containing information about the state of the Parallels Tools package in a virtual machine.
This method lets to initiate sending notifications about devices states by VM.
Begin the Parallels Tools installation process.
Installs a specified utility in a virtual machine.
Clones an existing virtual machine based on given snapshot.
Lets to exclusively lock VM for current session.
Creates a new console session or binds to an existing GUI session in a virtual machine.
Migrates an existing virtual machine to another host.
Cancels the migration operation that was started with PrlVm_Migrate or PrlVm_MigrateEx .
Migrates an existing virtual machine to another host.
Migrates an existing virtual machine to another host.
Migrates an existing virtual machine to another host.
Mount the specified virtual machine Virtual Disks.
Move bundle of virtual machine or private area of container.
Pauses the specified virtual machine.
Executes an remote procedure.
Query object properties .
Set object properties .
Subscribe on object properties changes.
The PrlVm_RefreshConfig function updates the configuration information contained in the specified virtual machine object (handle).
See also PrlVm_RegEx
Registers an event handler (callback function) with the virtual machine.
Creates a new virtual machine and registers it with the Parallels Service.
Removes protection from virtual machine.
Resets the specified virtual machine.
Resets the virtual machine uptime counter (start date and counter itself).
Restarts the operating system of the specified virtual machine.
Restores the registered virtual machine.
Resumes a virtual machine that was previously suspended with the PrlVm_Suspend call.
@brief Requests clipboard buffer from Vm
@note This call is intended to be asynchronious with possibility to be synchroneous.
The PrlVm_SetConfig is reserved and does nothing.
Protects virtual machine using specified secret password phrase.
Start the specified virtual machine.
Starts the specified virtual machine using the specified mode (see the PRL_VM_START_MODE enumeration).
Starts a VNC server for the specified virtual machine.
Stop the specified virtual machine.
Stop the specified virtual machine.
Stops the VNC server that was previously started for a virtual machine.
Subscribes to receive the specified virtual machine performance statistics on a periodic basis.
Allows to subscribe to periodicaly receive virtual machine perfomance statistics.
Suspends the specified virtual machine.
Reverts the specified virtual machine to the specified snapshot.
Reverts the specified virtual machine to the specified snapshot.
Retrieves a list of identifiers from the Tools Information Service database.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_TIS_RECORD containing a record from the Tools Information Service database.
Subscribe on TIS database updates.
Unsubscribe from TIS database updates.
Obtains the available capabilities of a graceful virtual machine shutdown using Parallels Tools.
Initiates graceful shutdown of the specified virtual machine.
brief Allow/Forbid guest go to sleep mode by changing power scheme values.
brief Show/Hide task bar in guest.
Posts "get caret info" query to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Posts "get info on element at specified position" query to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Posts "get info on nearest element at specified position" query to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Send mouse click event to User Input Emulation.
Sends a gesture event to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Send input to guest.
Sends a multimedia key to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Send scroll event to User Input Emulation.
Send specified UTF8 text to guest User Input Emulation tool.
Unmount the specified virtual machine Virtual Disks.
Lets to unlock previously locked with PrlVm_Lock call VM.
Unregisters the specified virtual machine from the Parallels Service.
Unregisters an event handler (callback function) that was previously registered using the PrlVm_RegEventHandler function.
Cancels the performance statistics subscription that was previously initiated using the PrlVm_SubscribeToGuestStatistics function.
Cancels the Parallels Service performance statistics subscription that was started using the PrlVm_SubscribeToPerfStats function.
Updates access level for the specified virtual machine.
Modifies the specified virtual machine snapshot name and description.
Validates the specified section of a virtual machine configuration.
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