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Optimize Virtual Machine for Games, Graphics, Productivity, or Development

When creating a virtual machine, you can optimize it according to your needs. You can choose to configure the virtual machine for:

  • Productivity . Choose this profile if you're using the virtual machine for your everyday work with text editors, email, web browsers, etc.
  • Games only . Choose this profile if you're using the virtual machine to play PC games on your Mac.

If you're using Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition, you can configure your virtual machine also for:

  • Design . Choose this profile if you're using the virtual machine to work with graphics applications.
  • Software development . Choose this profile if you're using the virtual machine to develop and test software.
  • Software testing . Choose this profile if you're using the virtual machine to test software in an isolated environment.

You can change this setting after the virtual machine is created:

  1. Start Parallels Desktop.
  2. In Parallels Desktop Control Center , right-click the virtual machine (it must be shut down) and choose Configure .
  3. On the General tab, click Change .
  4. Select the profile that best fits your need.