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Improve Graphics Performance in Windows NT/98/ME

If you have Windows NT, Windows 98, or Windows ME installed on your Mac, you can improve graphics performance by installing a video driver.

To install a video driver in Windows 98 and Windows ME:

  1. Start Windows 98, or Windows ME.
  2. When the guest OS boots up, in the Mac menu bar click Devices > CD/DVD > Connect Image .
  3. Click Applications , double-click Parallels Desktop > Contents > Resources > Tools , select prl-tools-other.iso , and click Open .
  4. In Windows, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display .
  5. In the Display Properties dialog, go to the Settings tab and click the Advanced button.
  6. On the Adapter tab, click Change . The wizard opens.
  7. In the wizard, click Next .
  8. Select Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now and click Next .
  9. Select Specify a location option. Click Browse . Locate the \Drivers\Video\Win9x folder on the CD-ROM drive and click OK .
  10. Click Next in the Update Device Driver Wizard and then, when the driver is found, click Next again.
  11. Click Finish and then Close to close the Update Device Driver Wizard .
  12. Click Close to exit the Display Properties dialog box.
  13. When you are prompted to restart the guest OS in the System Settings Change dialog box, click Yes .

The new settings are applied once the virtual machine is restarted.

To install a video driver in Windows NT:

  1. Start Windows NT.
  2. When the guest OS boots up, in the Mac menu bar click Devices > CD/DVD > Connect Image .
  3. Click Applications , double-click Parallels Desktop > Contents > Resources > Tools , select prl-tools-other.iso , and click Open .
  4. In Windows, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display .
  5. In the Display Properties dialog, go to the Settings tab and click the Display Type button.
  6. In the Adapter Type section, click Change . The Change Display window opens.
  7. In this window, click Have Disk .
  8. Click Browse . Select the \Drivers\Video\Nt4 folder on the CD-ROM drive and click Open twice.
  9. In the Install From Disk window, click OK .
  10. In the Change Display window, click OK .
  11. Confirm that you want to install the video driver.
  12. When you are prompted to restart the guest OS in the System Settings Change dialog box, click Yes .

The new settings are applied once the virtual machine is restarted.