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Change Password in Windows via Command Line Interface

To change your Windows account password via CLI, do the following:

  1. Start Windows .
  2. Launch Terminal in OS X (Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and find out Windows UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) by executing the following command:

    prlctl list --all

    The output may be as follows:


    {6f05fe58-2ef6-4049-847a-c393f1077658} running - Windows 7

    6f05fe58-2ef6-4049-847a-c393f1077658 is the Windows UUID.

  3. Change your Windows account password by executing the following command:

    prlctl set <Windows UUID> --userpasswd <account_name>:<new_password>

    This command may look as follows:

    prlctl set 6f05fe58-2ef6-4049-847a-c393f1077658 --userpasswd Appleseed:qwerty

    If you see the following output, the password has been changed successfully:

    authentication tokens updated successfully.