Parallels Desktop® 10 for Mac — C API Reference Guide
Organization of This Guide

This guide is organized into the following chapters:

Functions by Handle . Contains sections describing handles and their respective functions. A handle is a reference to an object that can be operated on using the provided functions. Objects include a physical server, a virtual machine, a virtual machine configuration parameter set, a device, a process, etc. Each section contains information about the purpose of a handle and how to create it. Function subsections contain the usual reference information such as syntax, parameters, return codes, and remarks. You can search the guide for a specific function or a keyword, or you can scroll through the handle list, find the handle providing the functionality you need, and then look for a specific function that performs the required task.

Common Functions . Contains information about common and system functions.

Remote Desktop Access . Contains information about functions that can be used to remotely capture screenshots of a virtual machine desktop and to send keyboard and mouse commands to it.

Callback Prototypes. Describes callback function prototypes that are used to implement your own callback functions for use in asynchronous calls.

Types . Contains a list of types used throughout the API.

Structs, Records, Enums . Contains information about structures, records, and enumerations used throughout the API.

Macros . Describes macros used in the API.

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