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Customize the Toolbar

To change the appearance of the toolbar, right-click the toolbar and choose one of the following options:

  • Icon & Text: Display both icon buttons and names in the toolbar.
  • Icon Only: Display icon buttons only.
  • Text Only: Display item names only.
  • Use Small Size: Reduce the size of toolbar buttons.
  • Remove Item: Remove clicked item from the toolbar.
  • Customize Toolbar: Open the toolbar settings pane. See the description below.

To customize the set of toolbar buttons and its appearance, right-click the toolbar, and choose Customize Toolbar . The toolbar settings pane opens. In this pane, you can perform the following operations:

  • Add new buttons to the toolbar by dragging them from the settings pane to the toolbar.
  • Remove buttons from the toolbar by dragging them from the toolbar to the settings pane.
  • Add separators to the toolbar by dragging them from the settings pane to the toolbar.
  • Add spaces to the toolbar by dragging them from the settings pane to the toolbar.
  • Restore the default toolbar buttons set by dragging it to the toolbar.
  • Select the toolbar buttons view mode in the Show list

To apply the changes you have made to the toolbar settings pane, click Done .