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Install a Guest OS in an Existing Virtual Machine

If you have created a virtual machine but haven't yet installed a guest operating system, you can install one any time. You can install a guest OS from a CD or DVD, or from a CD/DVD image file. Some operating systems are available as CD/DVD disc images only.

In some cases, the installation cannot be performed from a real CD/DVD disc because of disc reading problems. In such cases, it is recommended that you try to install the operating system from a CD/DVD disc image of this disc. ISO images of CD/DVD discs can be created using a third party imaging utility.

You can also install the guest operating system using a PXE server via network.

Some operating systems are installed only from floppy disks. If your computer does not have floppy drives, you can install such operating systems using images of installation diskettes or using real floppy disk drives inserted into an external USB floppy disk drive. You can create floppy disk images using third-party applications.

Installing from a CD/DVD or its image

To install a guest OS from a CD/DVD or using an image:

  1. Select the virtual machine, and make sure that it is stopped.
  2. Choose Configure from the Virtual Machine menu to open Virtual Machine Configuration.
  3. Open the CD/DVD-ROM settings, and configure the virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive settings.
    • If you are installing from a real CD/DVD, select the Real Device option and specify the real drive to connect in the CD/DVD-ROM list. Then insert the CD/DVD disc with the operating system files into the appropriate drive of the computer.
    • If you are installing from an image file, select the Image file option, and specify the path to the image file in the File field.

      Note: You can use ISO and DMG images for installing the guest operating system. CUE and CCD images may be also supported.

  4. Click OK in Virtual Machine Configuration to save the changes.
  5. Start your virtual machine by clicking Start The Status Bar VM State menu .

The installation will launch soon after the virtual machine is started.

Note: If you need to press any keys inside the virtual machine during the guest OS installation, first click inside the virtual machine window to capture the keyboard and mouse input and than press the corresponding keys. To release the keyboard and mouse input back to the host OS, press Ctrl+Alt. For more information, refer to Capturing and Releasing the Keyboard and the Mouse .

Installing from the network

  1. Choose Configure from the Virtual Machine menu to open Virtual Machine Configuration.
  2. Click the Add button PlusButton in the bottom part of the Virtual Machine Configuration dialog to launch Add Hardware Assistant.

    Note: The Add button is disabled when the virtual machine is running. You need to shut down the virtual machine before you can use this button.

  3. Add a network adapter to your virtual machine configuration.
  4. Open the Boot Order pane in Virtual Machine Configuration and change the boot sequence to make the virtual network adapter the first device in the sequence. To this effect, select Network Adapter in the list and use the arrow buttons to move it to the top of the list.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes.
  6. Start the virtual machine by clicking Start The Status Bar VM State menu .

Soon after your virtual machine is started, a list of available PXE servers appears.

During the installation, when the guest OS reboots for the first time or after the installation, return the boot sequence to booting from the hard disk.

Installing from a floppy disk image

  1. Select the virtual machine and make sure that it is stopped.
  2. To connect the installation medium, open Virtual Machine Configuration by:
    • right-clicking the machine and choosing Configure from the shortcut menu, or
    • choosing Configure from the Virtual Machine menu.
  3. Open the Floppy Disk pane and specify the path to the floppy image disk file in the Image File field.
  4. Click OK to apply the changes
  5. Start the virtual machine by clicking Start The Status Bar VM State menu .

The installation will launch soon after the virtual machine is started.

Reinstalling the guest OS

The procedure for reinstalling the guest OS is the same as the procedure of installing the guest OS: provide the installation media or its image, connect it to the virtual machine, and start the virtual machine. The reinstallation will launch soon after the virtual machine is started.

Note: You can reinstall the guest OS of the same type only. However, you are free to choose the guest OS version.

Keep in mind that in some cases, it is easier just to create a new virtual machine, install the guest OS, and delete the old machine after moving all the necessary data to the new one.