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Create a New Partition in Windows

To create a new partition from the unallocated space on your virtual hard disk, you can use Disk Management, a Windows built-in utility for partitioning hard disks. The steps below provide instructions for creating a new partition in Windows XP. For other Windows operating systems, the procedure is very similar. For more details, see the documentation for the respective Windows operating system.

To create a new partition in Windows XP:

  1. Start the virtual machine that uses the virtual disk with unallocated space.
  2. To start the Disk Management utility:
    1. Choose Control Panel from the Start menu.
    2. Double-click Administrative Tools , and then double-click Computer Management .
    3. In the Storage section, select Disk Management .
  3. In the Disk Management window, right-click Unallocated Capacity , and choose New Partition .
  4. In the New Partition wizard Introduction window, click Next .
  5. In the Select Partition Type window, select Primary partition , and click Next .
  6. Specify the partition size, and click Next .
  7. Assign a drive letter to the new partition, and click Next .
  8. In the Format partition window, select Format partition with the following settings . Set File system to NTFS and Allocation unit size to Default . Type the volume name in the Volume label field, and click Next .
  9. Carefully review the settings, and click Finish to start formatting.

Once the operation is complete, the new volume appears in the Computer Management window and in My Computer.