Parallels C API Reference Guide
Organization of This Guide
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This guide is organized into the following chapters:

Functions by Handle . Contains sections describing handles, each of which contains a list of functions that can operate on that handle. Each section contains information about the purpose of a handle and how to obtain a reference to it. Function subsections contain the usual reference information such as syntax, parameters, return codes, and remarks. You can search the guide for a specific function or a keyword or you can scroll through the handle list, find the handle providing the functionality of interest, and then look for a specific function in its function list.

Common Functions . Contains information about common and system functions.

Remote Desktop Access . Contains information about functions that can be used to remotely capture screenshots of a virtual machine desktop and to send keyboard and mouse commands to it.

Types . Contains a list of types used throughout the API.

Structs, Records, Enums . Contains information about structures, records, and enumerations used throughout the API.

Macros . Describes macros used in the API.

Callback Prototypes. Describes callback function prototypes that are used to implement your own callback functions for use in asynchronous calls.

Files . Contains a list of the Parallels C API header files. You can look at individual files in this chapter and see the functions, types (etc.) that they contain.

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