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Getting Help

Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 offers several options for accessing necessary information:

  • Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 User's Guide. This document contains extensive information about the product, its usage, and troubleshooting. You can access the guide by choosing Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 Help from the Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 Help menu.
  • Online documentation. This is the PDF documentation for Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 and other Parallels products, such as Parallels Image Tool. To open the online documentation page, choose Online Documentation from the Help menu.
  • Context-sensitive help. You can open a help page for the currently viewed window on your computer by pressing F1.
  • Parallels website . Explore the Support web page that includes product help files and the FAQ section.
  • Parallels Knowledge Base . This online resource comprises valuable articles about using Parallels Desktop Upgrade to Windows 7 and other Parallels products.

In This Chapter
