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Viewing Reports

To view Parallels RAS reports, select the Reporting category in the RAS Console. The report viewing interface consists of the following elements:

  • The middle pane displays the available reports. See the Predefined reports subsection below for the complete list. The "blue folders" icon (at the top of the list) groups reports by type or displays all of them as a single list. The "refresh" icon refreshes the report list by retrieving it from the database (this can be useful when you enable/disable the reporting functionality or when you add custom reports, which may not appear in the list automatically).
  • When you initially open the Reporting category, the right pane contains just the Information tab, which informs you whether Parallels RAS Reporting is active.
  • The "blue square" icon in front of the Tasks drop-down menu (upper right-hand side of the RAS Console) expands the reporting interface into full screen. The Tasks drop-down menu allows you to perform the following actions: Duplicate (duplicates a report tab), Full screen (on/off), various Close Report options, Delegate Permissions (allows you to grant permissions to view reports to other users).

To run a report, double-click it in the middle pane. The report opens in a tab in the right pane:

  • Most reports include controls that you can interact with, such as From / To dates, Sort By , Sort Order , Chart Type , Server Name , and others depending on the report type. When you change a value in any of these controls, click the View Report button to apply the new criteria and re-run the report.
  • The main report area (lower portion where the data is represented as a graph, text, or numbers) includes a menu bar with icons that allow you to change the view magnification, list through report pages (if more than one is included), search for text, save a report to a file, print a report, and export it to data feed.

Note: The first time the reports are viewed, you may be requested to add http://<server domain/ IP> as a trusted website. This will appear depending on the Parallels RAS machine’s  "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration".

Predefined reports

Parallels RAS Reporting Service includes a number of predefined reports in the following groups:

  1. User Reports . This group includes reports about how end users are interacting with Parallels RAS:
    • User Activity — shows all sessions produced by all users in the system. The report shows information about each session and includes active time, idle time, and disconnected time.
    • User Session Activity — shows all sessions produced by a single user. The report shows information about each session and includes active time, idle time, and disconnected time.
    • Application Usage by User — shows applications used by a specified user, including number of times used and total time.
    • Devices Used by User — shows information about devices used by a user. The report includes information such as device vendor, device model, and total time used.
    • Client Operating System Used by User — shows the operating system being used by a specified user.
    • Full User Information — shows detailed information about a specified user.
  2. Group Reports. These reports obtain information about how groups of users are interacting with Parallels RAS:
    • Groups Activity — shows all sessions produced by all groups in the system. The report includes active, idle, and disconnected time.
    • Group Sessions Activity — shows all sessions produced by a group in the system. The report shows information about each session produced by each user in the group and includes start, end, active, idle, disconnect and total time.
    • Applications Used by Group — shows applications used by a specified group, including number of times used and total time.
    • Devices Used by Group — shows information about devices used by users as members of a specified group. The report includes device vendor, model and total time used.
    • Client Operating System Used by Group — shows the operating system used by members of a particular group.
  3. Devices Reports . This group includes reports about the devices that are connecting to Parallels RAS:
    • Devices Used — shows all devices using the system. The report includes a device manufacturer, model, and the number of sessions opened by the device.
    • Client Operating System Used — shows devices and corresponding operating systems that are using the system.
    • Parallels Client Version Used — shows information about a device model, Parallels Client version used, and session information.
  4. Server Reports . This group includes reports about the activity of Parallels RAS server components:
    • Sessions Activity on Server — shows the session activity of users on a particular server. Report includes start, end, active, idle and disconnect time.
    • Farm Health by Server — shows server CPU and RAM usage for a specified server in the farm.
    • Farm Health by Machine — shows server CPU and RAM usage for a specified computer.
    • Gateway Tunnelled Sessions — shows tunneled session information for a specified Gateway.
  5. Application Reports . Reports related to applications.
    • Applications Usage — shows information about applications used in the system. Report includes information such as application name, number of times used and the total usage time. When viewing this report, select "All applications" or "RAS published applications" depending on your needs. When the second option is selected, the report will not include non-published applications and duplicates.

Note that if you have enabled the "custom reports" functionality (Administration > Reporting > Tracking settings > Enable custom reports), you will also see the custom reports group with a single demo report in it. As you add more custom reports, they will all appear in this folder. When the "custom reports" functionality is disabled, this group is NOT shown in the report list.

Custom reports are described in detail in the Parallels RAS Reporting Service Guide , which can be downloaded from the Parallels website. For quick how-to instructions, see the following KB article: