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Working with DualShield

DualShield 5.6+ Authentication Platform

This section explains how to integrate Deepnet DualShield Authentication Platform 5.6 or higher with Parallels Remote Application Server 10.6 or higher. If using any other version prior to the stated version please use RADIUS interface.

You may also read the following documentation on DualShield Authentication Platform:

  1. DualShield Authentication Platform – Installation Guide
  2. DualShield Authentication Platform – Quick Start Guide
  3. DualShield Authentication Platform – Administration Guide

List of Supported Tokens by Parallels Remote Application Server

MobileID (FlashID is not integrated with MobileID)

  1. QuickID
  2. GridID
  3. SafeID
  4. SecureID (RSA)
  5. DigiPass (Vasco)

If using hardware tokens such as SafeID the token information must first the XML file provided. Click on ‘Import’ and browse for the XML file provided. After the XML file has been imported each hardware token must be assigned to a user.

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