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Parallels C API Reference Guide
System Functions
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Common Parallels API system functions.

Adds buffer to the remote command. 
Adds unsigned int parameter to the command. 
Creates SDK object represents handles list 
Creates a new handle of type PHT_OPAQUE_TYPE_LIST
Creates command to the remote device. 
Creates a handle of type PHT_STRINGS_LIST
De-initializes the library. 
Returns the Parallels API application mode. 
Returns the path to Parallels crash dumps storing directory. 
Returns default guest OS version for specified guest OS type at current API mode (see PrlApi_InitEx for more info about API mode). 
Evaluates the specified error code and returns its classification (warning, question, information, etc.). 
The PrlApi_GetRecommendMinVmMem returns recommend minimal memory size for guest OS defined in the OS version parameter. 
Obtains current registration of the remote devices of specified type 
Evaluates a return code and returns a description of the problem. 
Returns handle of type PHT_OPAQUE_TYPE_LIST which contains supported guest OSes types list for current API mode (see PrlApi_InitEx for more info about API mode). 
Returns handle of type PHT_OPAQUE_TYPE_LIST which contains supported guest OSes list for specified guest OS type at current API mode (see PrlApi_InitEx for more info about API mode). 
Returns the Parallels API version number. 
Initializes Parallels API library. 
Lets to initiate standard Parallels crash dump handler. 
This is extended version of PrlApi_Init call that can be used to specify explicitly application mode in which the API library should function. 
The PrlApi_MsgCanBeIgnored function allows to evaluate an error code and determine if the error is critical (i.e. 
Registers remote devices of specified type 
The PrlApi_ScaleImage scales image and put a new image to a buffer. 
The PrlApi_SendProblemReport lets to send previously extracted with PrlSrv_GetProblemReport or PrlVm_GetProblemReport calls problem report to the Parallels support server. 
Sends remote device command to the Virtual Machine. 
Unregisters remote device. 
Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Parallels Software International Inc.
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