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Configuring Virtual Adapter Parameters

Parallels Server Bare Metal allows you to configure the following parameters of virtual machine adapters:

Configuring MAC Addresses

If you need for some reason to regenerate the current MAC address of a network adapter, you can use the following command:

# pctl set MyVM --device-set net1 --mac 00:1C:42:2D:74:00

Creating net1 (+) network=Bridged mac=001C422D7400

The VM has been successfully configured.

This command sets the MAC address of 00:1C:42:2D:74:00 for the net1 adapter in the MyVM virtual machine. If do not know what MAC address to assign to your virtual adapter, you can make pctl set automatically generate a new MAC address. To do this, run the following command:

# pctl set MyVM --device-set net1 --mac auto

Creating net1 (+) network=Bridged mac=001C42C84F3E

The VM has been successfully configured.

Configuring IP Parameters

As any other standalone server, each virtual machine must have a number of TCP/IP settings configured in the proper way to successfully operate on the network. These settings include:

  • IP address
  • default gateway
  • DNS server

Usually, you define all these settings when you create the virtual machine. However, if you have not yet set any of the settings or want to modify any of them, you can use the pctl set command. For example, you can execute the following command to assign the IP address of to the net1 adapter in the MyVM virtual machine, set the default gateway to and the DNS server to :

# pctl set MyVM --device-set net1 --ipadd --gw --nameserver

Along with a static assignment of network parameters to a virtual adapter, you can make the adapter receive its TCP/IP settings automatically using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). For example, you can run this command to make the net1 adapter in the MyVM virtual machine get its IP settings through DHCP:

# pctl set MyVM --device-set net1 --dhcp yes

Creating net1 (+) network=Bridged mac=001C42C84F3E

Enable automatic reconfiguration for this network adapter.

The VM has been successfully configured.


1. You can configure the network parameters only of those virtual machines that have Parallels Tools installed.

2. Detailed information on all options which can be used with the pctl set command to manage virtual machine adapter parameters is given in the Parallels Server Bare Metal 5.0 Command Line Reference Guide and the pctl manual pages.