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Configuring veth Adapter Parameters

While functioning in the virtual network mode, each Container virtual network adapter appears as a full participant on the network to which it is connected and needs to have its own identity on this network.

Fist of all, to start functioning on a TCP/IP network, a veth virtual adapter should be assigned an IP address. This can be done as follows:

# pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --ipadd --save

Saved parameters for Container 101

This command sets an IP address of for the eth1 adapter in Container 101. If you want to use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to make the eth1 adapter of Container 101 automatically receive TCP/IP configuration settings, you can issue the following command instead:

# pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --dhcp yes --save

Saved parameters for Container 101

Any static IP address assigned to the Container virtual network adapter can be removed by executing the following command:

# pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --ipdel --save

Saved parameters for Container 101

You can also delete all IP addresses set for Container 101 at once:

# pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --ipdel all --save

Saved parameters for Container 101

You may also wish to set the following parameters for a Container network adapter:

  • A DNS server that the Container virtual adapter is supposed to use:

    # pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --nameserver --save

    Saved parameters for Container 101

  • A gateway to be used for routing the traffic of the Container virtual adapter:

    # pctl set 101 --ifname eth1 --gateway --save

    Saved parameters for Container 101

Detailed information on all options which can be used with the pctl set command to manage Container adapter parameters is given in the Parallels Server Bare Metal 5.0 Command Line Reference Guide and the pctl manual pages.