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Listing Virtual Networks

To list the virtual networks existing on the Parallels server, you can use either the vznetcfg or prlsrvctl utility.

Listing virtual networks with vznetcfg

To list the virtual networks on your server using the vznetcfg utility, execute the following command:

# vznetcfg net list

Network ID Status Master Interface Slave Interfaces

Host-Only active

Bridged active eth0

psbmnet1 active eth1

In the example above, three virtual networks— psbmnet1 and two default virtual networks—exist on the Parallels server. The information on these virtual networks is presented in the table with the following columns:

Column Name


Network ID

The ID assigned to the virtual network.


Indicates the status of the virtual network. It can be one of the following:

  • active : the virtual network is up and running.
  • configured : the information on the virtual network is present in the /etc/vz/vznet.conf file on the server, but the bridge to which the virtual network is bound is down or does not exist.

Note: Detailed information on the vznet.conf file is given in the Parallels Server Bare Metal 5.0 Command Line Reference Guide .

Master Interface

Displays the adapter on the server connected to the virtual network, if any.

Slave Interfaces

Lists the adapters in virtual machines and Containers joined to the virtual network, if any.

Listing virtual networks with prlsrvctl

You can also use the prlsrvctl utility to list the virtual networks existing on your server. To do this, run the following command:

# prlsrvctl net list

Network ID Type Bound To

Host-Only host-only

Bridged bridged eth0

psbmnet1 bridged eth1

This utility displays the following information on virtual networks:

Column Name


Network ID

The name assigned to the virtual network.


The networking mode set for the virtual network.

Bound To

The adapter on the Parallels server connected to the virtual networks, if any.