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Moving Container Within the Parallels Server

The vzmlocal utility allows you to move Containers within your server. Moving a Container within one and the same server consists in changing the Container ID and its private area and root paths. You can use vzmlocal to change the ID of the corresponding Container only or to additionally modify its private area and root path.

Let us assume that you want to change the ID of your Container from 101 to 111 and modify its private area and root paths from /vz/private/101 to /vz/private/my_dir and from /vz/root/101 to /vz/root/ct111 , respectively. To do this, execute the following command on the server:

# vzmlocal 101:111:/vz/private/my_dir:/vz/root/ct111

Moving/copying Container#101 -> Container#111,

[/vz/private/my_dir], [/vz/root/ct111] ...


Successfully completed

To check if Container 101 has been successfully moved to Container 111, you can use the following commands:

# vzlist -a


1 43 running localhost

111 - stopped myContainer

# ls /vz/private

1 my_dir

# ls /vz/root

1 ct111

The commands output shows that the ID of Container 101 has been changed to 111, its private area is now located in the /vz/private/my_dir directory on the server, and the path to its root directory is /vz/root/ct111 .


1. You can use the vzmlocal utility to move several Containers simultaneously.

2. You can run the vzmlocal utility on both running and stopped Containers.