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Choosing OS EZ Template

Before starting to create a Container, you shall decide on which OS EZ template your Container will be based. There might be several OS EZ templates installed on the server and prepared for the Container creation; use the vzpkg list command to find out what OS EZ templates are available on your system:

# vzpkg list -O

redhat-el5-x86 2010-05-21 23:59:44

fedora-core-13-x86 2010-12-11 12:45:52

The -O option passed to the vzpkg list command allows you to list only OS EZ templates installed on the server. As you can see, the redhat-el5-x86 and fedora-core-13-x86 OS EZ templates are currently available on the server. The time displayed next to OS EZ templates indicates when these templates were cached.

You can also use the --with-summary option to display brief information on the installed OS EZ templates:

# vzpkg list -O --with-summary

redhat-el5-x86 :Red Hat Enterprise Linux v.5 Server EZ OS template

fedora-core-13-x86 :Fedora 13 EZ OS template

For detailed information on the vzpkg list command, consult the Parallels Command Line Reference Guide .