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The vzcache utility scans the specified Containers for common files and caches these files in the server template area ( /vz/template/vc by default), replacing the real files inside the Containers with symlinks to the template area. In the case of a significant number of identical files, using this utility results in a notable disk space gain. vzcache has the following syntax:

vzcache [ options ] CT_ID-list

The following command-line options can be used with the vzcache utility:



-h , --help

Print the usage information.


Display the utility version.

-v , --verbose

Verbose mode. Causes vzcache to print debugging messages about its progress. Multiple -v options increase verbosity; the maximal number is 2.

-q , --quiet

Quiet mode. Print error messages only.

-r , --cachearea

Process the Container template area only. During the vzcache execution, a separate template area ( /vz/template/vc/ CT_UUID by default) is created for each specified Container. CT_UUID denotes the Container unique identifier and can be determined by viewing the UUID parameter in the Container configuration file.

You are recommended to use this option when running vzcache for migrated or restored Containers.

-C , --clean

Clears the Container template area ( /vz/template/vc/ CT_UUID by default) from those cached files that are not present any more inside the corresponding Container. Only one Container can be cleaned up at a time.

-s , --size-limit N

Do not process files smaller than N bytes. By default, only empty files are not processed.