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vzquota on and vzquota off

These commands are used to turn quota on and off. Their syntax is as follows:

vzquota [ options ] on < CT_ID > [ command-options ]

vzquota [ options ] off < CT_ID > [-f] [-c quota_file ]

vzquota off turns the quota off for the file system tree specified in quota file given with an optional –c switch. If this switch is omitted, the default /var/vzquota/quota.< CT_ID > file is used. This command exits with error if for some reason quota file cannot be accessed and usage statistics could be lost. You can override this behavior by giving an optional –f switch.

vzquota on accepts the following options:

-s, --sub-quotas 1|0

Optional. If the value used is 1 then per user/group quota is enabled in the Container. By default user/group quotas are disabled.

-u, --ugid-limit num

Optional. Specifies the maximum number of user and group IDs for which usage statistics will be counted in this Container. If this value is 0, user/group quota will not be accounted. The default value is 0.

-p path

Required. Specifies the path to the Container private area.


This option forces recalculation of quota usage even if the quota file does not have dirty flag set on.

-c quota_file

Optional. Specifies the file to write output of counted disk space and inodes as well as limits. If omitted, the default /var/vzquota/quota.< CT_ID > file is used.

-b, --block-softlimit num
-B, --block-hardlimit num
-e, --block-exptime time
-i, --inode-softlimit num
-I, --inode-hardlimit num
-n, --inode-exptime time

These options are optional for the vzquota on command. They are described in the vzquota init subsection.