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pctl create

This command is used to create a new Container. It has the following syntax:

pctl create <CT_ID> {--pkgset name [--pkgver ver ] | [--ostemplate name ]}

[ options ]

With this command, you can create regular Containers. A unique Container ID is required for this command.

Note: Container IDs from 1 to 100 are reserved for internal Parallels Server Bare Metal needs. Do not use IDs from 1 to 100 for Containers.

Command options are as follows:

--ostemplate name

OS EZ template to use for creating the Container. If omitted, this value is taken from the DEF_OSTEMPLATE parameter in the global Parallels Server Bare Metal configuration file.

--config name

Container sample configuration file to use for creating the Container. Sample configuration files are located in /etc/vz/conf and have names in the format ve-< name >.conf-sample . The sample configuration files usually have a number of resource control limits for the Container and some application templates to be added to the Container immediately upon its creation. If you skip this option and the default configuration file name is not specified in the global Parallels Server Bare Metal configuration file, you will have to set resource control parameters for the Container using the pctl set command.

--private path

Path to the Container private area. This option is used to override default path to private area from the /etc/vz/vz.conf configuration file ( VE_PRIVATE variable). The argument can contain $VEID string which will be replaced by numeric Container ID value.

--root path

Path to the mount point of the Container root directory. This option is used to override default path to Container root directory from the /etc/vz/vz.conf configuration file ( VE_ROOT variable). The argument can contain $VEID string which will be replaced by numeric Container ID value.

--ipadd addr [/ mask ]

IP address and subnet mask to assign to the Container. If you omit this option, you can set an IP address for the Container later using the vzctl set command.

--hostname name

Hostname to assign to the Container. If you omit this option, you can assign a hostname to the Container later using the vzctl set command.

--name name

Name to assign to the Container. Like IDs, names can be used to perform Container-related operations.

--description desc

Container description. You cat type any text you consider reasonable. If the text contains space characters, enclose in in quotation marks.


Do not install the application templates specified in the Container sample configuration file.

--pkgset name

OS standard template to use for creating the Container. If omitted, this value is taken from the global Parallels Server Bare Metal configuration file.

--pkgver ver

Particular version of OS standard template. If omitted, the latest available version is used.