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This command is used to configure and see disk quota statistics for Containers. vzquota is also used to turn on the possibility of using per-user/group quotas inside the Container. It allows you to configure per-user or per-group quota inside the Container as well. pctl uses vzquota internally to configure quotas and you usually do not have to use vzquota except for checking the current quota statistics. The syntax of vzquota command is as follows:

vzquota [ options ] command < CT_ID > [ command-options ]

General options available to all vzquota commands are:


Verbose mode. Causes vzquota to print debugging messages about its progress. You can give up to two –v switches to increase verbosity.


Quiet mode. Causes all warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed. Only fatal errors are displayed.

Parallels Server Bare Metal quota works on a file system sub-tree or area. If this area has additional file systems mounted to its subdirectories, the quota will not follow these mount points. When you initialize quota, you specify the file system sub-tree starting point for the quota. Quota keeps its current usage and settings for a Container in the /var/vzquota/quota.< CT_ID > file.

Any quota file has a special flag, which indicates whether the file is “dirty”. The file is dirty when its content can be inconsistent with that of real quota usage. On the Container startup, quota will be re-initialized if the server was incorrectly brought down (for example power switch was hit). This operation may noticeably increase the Container startup time.

For both the disk and inodes usage, Parallels Server Bare Metal allows you to set soft and hard limits as well as an expiration time. Upon reaching a soft limit, Parallels Server Bare Metal starts the expiration time counter. When the time is expired, the quota will block the subsequent disk space or inode allocation requests. The hard limit cannot be exceeded.

vzquota understands the following commands:


Before you can use quota, the current disk space and inode usage should be counted. For the init command, you must specify all the limits as well as the file tree where you want to initialize the quota.


Removes the quota file.


Turns on quota accounting on the specified quota ID.


Turns off quota accounting on the specified quota ID.


Allows you to change quota limits for the running quota.


Set the second-level quota parameters.


Shows quota statistics for the running quota.


Shows quota usage from the quota file.