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The vzup2date-mirror utility is used to create local mirrors of the Parallels official repository storing the latest versions of the Parallels Server Bare Metal software and OS and application templates. The vzup2date-mirror utility has the following syntax:

vzup2date-mirror [ options ] [ local_repo_path ]

You can pass the following options to vzup2date-mirror :



-s, --system

Creates a local mirror of the repository storing the latest versions of the Parallels Server Bare Metal core and utilities. It also can be used to update your existing local mirror.

If this option is not specified and the -z option is omitted, vzup2date-mirror will also make the repository mirror with Parallels Server Bare Metal system files.

-z, --eztemplates

Creates a local mirror of the repository storing the latest versions of OS and application EZ templates.

-c, --config

The full path to the configuration file that will be used by vzup2date-mirror on the step of connecting to the Parallels official repository and downloading new updates. If omitted, the utility uses the default vzup2date-mirror.conf file which is located in the /etc/vzup2date-mirror directory.


The path to the repository mirror. If omitted, the utility uses the repository mirror whose location is defined in the vzup2date-mirror configuration file. Detailed information on vzup2date-mirror.conf is provided in the Configuration File for vzup2date-mirror subsection .

-q, --quiet

Reports only errors during the vzup2date-mirror execution.

-D, --delete

Automatically deletes obsolete updates during the vzup2date-mirror execution.


Prints the utility version and exits.

-h, --help, -?

Displays the utility usage and exits.

When executed, the vzup2date-mirror utility completes a number of tasks (connects to the Parallels official repository, creates a special directory and downloads the specified Parallels Server Bare Metal system or templates updates to this directory, etc.) resulting in building a local mirror of the Parallels official repository or some of its parts.