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vzp2v can be used along with the pmigrate utility to migrate a physical server to a Container on your Parallels server. It has the following syntax:

vzp2v [ user [: password ]@]address[: port ] [ options ]

Note : For more information on pmigrate , refer to Migrating Virtual Machines and Containers .

The options that can be used with the vzp2v utility are listed in the table below:




Mandatory. The ID of the Container that will be created on the Parallels server and where the physical server will be migrated. You can specify any unoccupied ID.


Mandatory. The full path to the configuration file on the Parallels server that was created on the physical server by means of the vzhwcalc utility. You can specify only the name of the configuration file if you run the vzp2v utility from the directory where this file is located.

-q , --quota

Optional. The partition on your physical server which has any user and/or user groups quotas imposed on it. This partition will be migrated to the Container together with all quotas imposed on it. Moreover, these quotas will be applied to the entire Container after the server migration.

-z, --eztmpl

Optional. The EZ OS template to be used to create the Container. You may list all OS templates installed on the Parallels server together with their updates by executing the vzpkg list command. If an OS template is not specified, the mkvzfs command is executed during the Container creation which makes an empty private area with the name of /vz/private/ CT_ID on the Parallels server. This private area is then used to copy all the physical server files to it.

-t, --ostmpl

Optional. The OS template to be used to create the Container. You can list all OS templates installed on the Parallels server together with their updates by executing the vzpkgls command. If an OS template is not specified, the mkvzfs command is executed during the Container creation which makes an empty private area with the name of /vz/private/ CT_ID on the Parallels server. This private area is then used to copy all the physical server files to it.

-d , --dist

Optional. The Linux version your physical server is running. The name of the version specified should coincide with the name of the corresponding distribution configuration file located in the /etc/vz/conf/dist directory on the Parallels server. For example, if you specify rhel-5 as the value of this option, the rhel-5.conf file should be present in the /etc/vz/conf/dist directory on the Parallels server. You must obligatorily set this option, if there is no DISTRIBUTION variable specified in the server configuration file. In case the DISTRIBUTION variable is set in the configuration file and you have specified the -d option, the latter takes precedence.


Optional. The path to the directories and files which will be excluded from copying to the Container. This option allows you to avoid migrating the data you do not need. To gain more understanding on this option, please consult the man pages for the rsync utility from where it was borrowed.

Note : We strongly recommend that you exclude the directories you were informed of while running the vzhwcalc utility on the physical server.

-S, --srvstop

Optional. The services to be stopped for the time of the physical server migration. We recommend that you stop all the services on the physical server except for the critical ones (e.g. the sshd service that is needed to provide communication between the physical server and the Parallels server) before the migration. This will prevent the running services from modifying any files being moved.

-h, --help

Prints information on the utility options.


Prints usage information.