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pctl unset

This command is used to remove Container parameters from its configuration file ( /etc/vz/conf/< CT_ID >.conf ). It has the following syntax:

pctl unset < CT_ID > <setting_name> --save

Depending on the parameter for which the command is executed, pctl unset can:

  • Either delete the information on the specified parameter from the Container configuration file without making any changes to the Container configuration (e.g. if executed with the --root or --private parameter).
  • Or delete the information on the specified parameter from the Container configuration file and make the corresponding changes to the Container configuration (e.g. disable the offline management if executed with the --offline_management parameter or forbid the Container to start on the server boot if executed with the --onboot parameter).

This command can be used with the same parameters as pctl set . You can view detailed information on all the parameters in the previous subsection.