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vzpkg localupdate

The vzpkg localupdate command is used to update the software packages installed inside your Container(s) by means of the vzpkg install or vzpkg localinstall commands. It has the following syntax:

vzpkg localupdate [ options ] < CT_ID> |< CT_NAME > rpm_file_path [...]

Options available to this command are:



-C, --cache

When handling the package interdependencies, makes the vzpkg localupdate command look for the needed packages in the local vzpkg cache only. If there is a package not available locally, the command will fail.

You can omit this parameter if the elapsed time from the last vzpkg cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file.

-r, --remote

If the elapsed time from the last vzpkg local cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file, you should use this option to make vzpkg localupdate look for the packages in the remote repository.

-n, --check-only

Simulates the same operations as vzpkg localupdate completes without specifying this option (e.g. handles the package interdependencies); however, the package itself is not installed in the specified Container.

-d, --debug
< num >

Sets the debugging level to one of the specified values (from 0 to 10). 10 is the highest debug level and 0 sets the debug level to its minimal value.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to the screen and to the log file.

When executed, vzpkg localupdate compares the file on the server the full path to which is specified as rpm_file_path with the corresponding package inside the Container with the ID of < CT_ID > or the name of < CT_NAME > and updates it, if necessary. You may specify a number of packages at once to be updated inside your Container.