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vztt Configuration File

This file ( /etc/vztt/vztt.conf ) is the configuration file used by the vzpkg utility when managing OS and application EZ templates.

The parameters in this file are presented on separate lines in the following format:

< parameter_name >=< parameter_value >

The table below describes these parameters:

Parameter Name



The IP address or hostname of the caching proxy server to be used by the vzpkg tool for managing OS and application EZ templates.


The IP address or hostname of the HTPP proxy server address, if you use this server.


The user name used by the HTTP proxy server for your authentication.


The password of the user specified in the HTPP_PROXY_USER parameter and used for your authentication by the HTTP proxy server.


Defines the period of time, in seconds, in the course of which the downloaded software packages in the vzpkg cache are regarded as 'not obsolete'. During this time, the vzpkg utility searches for the EZ template packages in the local cache only (without checking the remote repositories set for EZ templates). By default, this period is set to 86400 seconds (24 hours).


List of comma-separated packages that are not to be installed or updated during the vzpkg execution. The package names should correspond to the name of real packages in the repository and can contain file globs (e.g. * and ? ).