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vzrhnproxy Configuration File

This file ( /etc/vz/pkgproxy/rhn.conf ) is the configuration file for vzrhnproxy - a special utility which can be used on any RHEL-based server (e.g. RHEL 4 or 5, Fedora Core 5 or , CentOS 4 or 5) to create RHN (Red Hat Network) Proxy Servers allowing you to effectively manage the RPM packages included in the RHEL 4 and 5 OS EZ templates.

The parameters in this file are presented on separate lines in the following format:

< parameter_name >=< parameter_value >

The table below describes these parameters:

Parameter Name



The user name for logging in to Red Hat Network.


The password of the user specified as the value of the REDHAT_LOGIN parameter.


The hostname or the IP address and the port number of the HTTP proxy server, if you use any to connect to the Internet.


The user name used by the HTTP proxy server for your authentication.


The password of the user specified in the HTTP_PROXY_USER parameter and used for your authentication by the HTTP proxy server.


The destination of all tracebacks.


The names of the packages to be downloaded when running the vzrhnproxy update command. The names of the packages listed as the value of this parameter should correspond to the names of real packages in the RHEL repository in Red Hat Network and can be specified as regular expressions (e.g. perl.* ).