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This utility is used to create new EZ templates. It has the following syntax:

vzmktmpl [ options ] metafile

The following options can be passed to vzmktmpl :



--pre-cache file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg cache command before installing the packages included in the EZ template on the server. This script is executed in the server context and relevant for OS EZ templates only.

--post-cache file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg cache command after installing the packages included in the EZ template on the server. This script is executed in the server context and relevant for OS EZ templates only.

--pre-install file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg install command before adding the application EZ template to the Container. This script is executed in the Container context and relevant for application EZ templates only.

--post-install file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg install command after adding the application EZ template to the Container. This script is executed in the Container context and relevant for application EZ templates only.

--pre-upgrade file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg upgrade command before upgrading the OS EZ template inside the Container. This script is executed in the Container context.

--post-upgrade file

The path to the script which will be execute by the vzpkg upgrade command after upgrading the OS EZ template inside the Container. This script is executed in the Container context.

--pre-update file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg update command before updating the packages included in the application EZ template inside the Container. This script is executed in the Container context.

--post-update file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg update command after updating the packages included in the application EZ template inside the Container. This script is executed in the Container context.

--pre-remove file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg remove command before removing the application EZ template from the Container. This script is executed in the Container context and relevant for application EZ templates only.

--post-remove file

The path to the script which will be executed by the vzpkg remove command after removing the application EZ template from the Container. This script is executed in the Container context and relevant for application EZ templates only.

--environment file

The path to the file storing a list of environment variables. The variables should be set in the form of key = value . The variables specified in this file are used when running the vzpkg create cache and vzpkg update cache commands and exported to the Container environment during the EZ template scripts execution.

-d, --doc file

The path to the file containing the information on the EZ template. You can specify several files and separate them by commas.

-s, --spec-only

Creates the package specification file only.

-r, --srpm

Creates the package source file only.

-h, --help

Displays the utility usage and exits.

The utility requires only the metafile to create an EZ template and save it as a software package (see the next subsection for information on EZ template metafiles). However, you can set a number of scripts to be executed on different stages of the EZ template lifecycle (e.g. upon its installing on the server or after its removing from the Container) or use other options listed in the table above.

Note: We recommend that you use the sample scripts located in the /usr/share/vztt/samples directory on your server as the basis for creating your own scripts.