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vzpkg info

This command provides information on the EZ templates or software packages installed on the server or applied to the Container. The syntax of the utility is as follows:

vzpkg info [-F < OS_template >|< CT_ID >|< CT_NAME >] -q|-d < app_template >

[< parameters > ...]

vzpkg info -p [-C|-r] [-F < OS_template >|< CT_ID >|< CT_NAME >] -q|-d

< package_name > [< parameters > ...]

The available options are described in the following table:



-F, --for--os < os_name >|< CT_ID >

Displays information on the application EZ template or the software package (if the -p option is specified) included in the specified OS EZ template or applied to the indicated the Container.

-p, --package

If the < CT_ID > or < CT_NAME > argument is given, the command lists all software packages installed inside the Container. If the < OS_template > argument is given, the command lists all packages included in the OS EZ template.

-C, --cache

Displays the information on the specified package from the local vzpkg cache. You can omit this parameter if the elapsed time from the last vzpkg cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file.

-r, --remote

If the elapsed time from the last vzpkg cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file, you should use this option to make vzpkg info get the information on the specified package from the remote repositories set for handling the EZ template where this package is included.

-d, --debug
< num >

Sets the debugging level to one of the specified values (from 0 to 10). 10 is the highest debug level and 0 sets the debug level to its minimal value.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to the screen and to the log file.

While executed, vzpkg info parses the subdirectories and files located in the /vz/template/< os_name >/< os_version >/< arch >/config directory and containing the EZ template meta data. To run the command, you should specify either the OS EZ template name or the Container ID. In either case, detailed information on the corresponding OS EZ template is displayed. You can also use the -F option to get the necessary information on any application EZ template included into the OS EZ template or applied to the Container.

By default, vzpkg info displays all meta data on the EZ template/package specified. However, you can reduce the amount of the output information by using special parameters (< parameters >) listed in the table below:




The name of the EZ template/package.


The packages included in the EZ template. For EZ templates only.


The repository where the packages comprising the EZ template are stored. For EZ templates only.


The URL to the file containing a list of repositories from where the packages comprising the EZ template are to be downloaded. For EZ templates only.


The Linux distribution on the basis the OS EZ template has been created or under which the application EZ template is to be run. For EZ templates only.


Brief information on the EZ template/package.


Detailed information on the EZ template/package. As distinct from summary , it can contain additional data on the EZ template/package.


Displays the following information:

  • The microprocessor architecture where the EZ template is to be used ( x86 , x86 , ia64 );
  • Specifies whether the EZ template can be used only on the servers with the Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL) support. In this case the nptl entry is displayed after the vzpkg info execution.

For EZ templates only.


The version of the software package.


The release of the software package.


The system architecture where the EZ template/package is to be used. It can be one of the following:

  • x86 if the EZ template/package is to be used on 32-bit platforms;
  • x86_64 if the EZ template is to be used on x86-64-bit platforms (e.g. on servers with the AMD Opteron and Intel Pentium D processors installed);
  • ia64 if the EZ template is to be used on IA-64-bit platforms (i.e. on servers with the Itanium 2 processor installed).


Displays the path to the EZ template configuration directory containing the template meta data where the meta data for the base OS EZ template are stored (the default directory path is /vz/template/< os_name >/< os_version >/< arch >/config/os/default ).


The packaging system used to handle the packages included in the specified EZ template. It can be one of the following:

  • rpm for RPM-based Linux distributions (Fedora Core, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, etc.);
  • dpkg for Debian-based Linux distributions (e.g. Debian and Ubuntu).

For EZ templates only.


The package manager type used to manage the packages included in the specified EZ template. It can be one of the following:

32-bit Linux distributions :

  • rpm44x86 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Fedora Core 4, 5, and 6 and Fedora 7 and 8;
  • rpm43x86 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 (with the 2.6 kernel and NPTL support) and CentOS 4, 5;
  • rpm41x86 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and SUSE Linux 10. x where x denotes the minor number of the SUSE Linux 10 release (e.g. 10.1 or 10.2);
  • rpm41s9x86 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9;
  • dpkg : Debian and Ubuntu;

    64-bit Linux distributions for x86-64 processors :

  • rpm44x64 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Fedora Core 4, 5, and 6, Fedora 7 and 8;
  • rpm43x64 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 (with the 2.6 kernel and NPTL support) and CentOS 4, 5;
  • rpm41x64 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and SUSE Linux 10. x where x denotes the minor number of the SUSE Linux 10 release (e.g. 10.1 or 10.2);
  • rpm41s9x64 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9;
  • dpkgx64 : Debian and Ubuntu;

    64-bit Linux distributions for ia64 processors:

  • rpm44i64 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5;
  • rpm43i64 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 (with the 2.6 kernel and NPTL support) and CentOS 4 and 5;
  • rpm41s9i64 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9;
  • rpm41i64 : SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10;
  • dpkgi64 : Debian and Ubuntu.