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Migrating a Container from a Parallels Server

You can use the pmigrate utility to migrate Containers that reside on both local and remote servers running Parallels Server Bare Metal. When migrating a Container from a local server, you only need to specify the Container ID and the name of the resulting virtual machine. For example, the following command migrates Container 101 to the VM_101 virtual machine on the same Parallels server:

# pmigrate c 101 v VM_101

Connecting to local agent...

Querying configuration...


Operation progress 100%

Registering VM...

PVC to VM /var/parallels/VM_101.pvm/config.pvs migration succeeded.

The resulting virtual machine will be put to the /var/parallels directory on the destination server.

If you want to migrate a Container from a remote Parallels server, you should additionally indicate the source server IP address and the credentials of the root user on this server:

# pmigrate c root:8uhytv4@ v VM_101

Connecting to local agent...

Querying configuration...


Operation progress 100%

Registering VM...

PVC to VM /var/parallels/VM_101.pvm/config.pvs migration succeeded.

This command migrates Container 101 residing on the Parallels server with the IP address of to the VM_101 virtual machine on the local server. If you do not specify the root credentials on the source server, you will be asked to do so during the command execution.